The video shows that PicSort supports manual and automated induction, high-speed cameras for barcode verification, state-of-the-art HMI and integrates with host systems while occupying a smaller footprint than systems with similar throughput.
With PicSort’s “independent cart technology”, every cart moves individually. This allows the carrier to transfer items using the shortest routes and achieve higher efficiency, while increasing throughput and facilitating the delivery of more packages in less time.
Employees can get the job done, but PicSort can do it much faster! How fast? Up to 10,000 packages sorted per hour, on a 50 sqm operational area. Additionally, with PicSort’s modular design, you can use multiple induction options – robotic, dispensing, induction carousel and manual induction – all or partly combined.
Traditional sorting machinery is big and bulky and requires lots of storage space. PicSort has a small footprint, so your company doesn’t have to compromise for a huge out-of-town warehouse. Now you can rent a smaller space, closer to your customers, providing them a faster delivery and greater satisfaction.
Just like the ‘Energizer Bunny’, PicSort keeps going. With its simple “off-grid maintenance” function, you can take care of a malfunction in one or more carriers without disrupting the work of others. You can even replace a carrier with another, resulting in minimal empty run time and allowing you to deliver more packages.
The system is also capable of working on a full scale or partial scale by closing down parts of it for maintenance or as necessary.
Aquabot designs, installs and operates the most innovative, automatic order fulfillment, picking and sorting solutions on the market.
© 2022 Aquabot Automations